Final Paper


ACARA 50th Golden Jubilee & 21st National Conggres of IOA : Combined Meeting with 39th Annual Meeting of ASEAN Orthopaedi Association (AOA) with theme “All about the Sport Injury in Musculoskeletal System Holistic Approach and Current Treatment” at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta, 20 – 23 November 2019

No Theme Author Institution
1 Efektivitas Injeksi Intra Artikular Sekretom Sel Punca Jaringan Adiposa terhadap Regenerasi Tulang Rawan pada Osteoarthritis Sendi Lutut: Penelitian pada Domba.<br /><br />Efficacy of Intra-Articular Injection of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Secretome on Cartilage Regeneration in Knee Osteoarthritis: an Experimental Study in A Sheep Model Andra Hendriarto, Dr. dr. Andri MT Lubis, SpOT(K), Prof. drh. Bambang Pontjo Priosoenaryo, MS, APVet, PhD, Prof. dr. Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan, MS, PhD, drh. Tri Isyani Tungga Dewi, Msi FKUI Podium
2 Analisis Prostaglandin dan Interleukin pada cairan SBC yang dinilai dari Pemeriksaan Radiologi yang diterapi dengan Injeksi Steroid<br /><br /><em>Prostaglandin and Interleukin Levels in Bone Cyst Fluid treated by Steroid Injection Assessed by Radiography</em> Eko Setiawan, Dr. dr. Achmad Fauzi Kamal, 2. dr. Alida Roswita Harahap, SpPK(K), PhD FKUI Podium
3 Analisis Hubungan antara Luaran Klinis, Laboratorium dan Radiologis terhadap Luaran Derajat Nekrosis (HUVOS) pada Pasien Osteosarkoma yang dilakukan Kemoterapi Neoajuvan di RSCM 2017 - 2019<br /><br /><em>Correlation Analysis of Clinical, Laboratorium, Radiology Outcomes and Degree of Necrosis (HUVOS) in Osteosarcoma Patients treated with Neoadjuvan Chemotherapy in RSCM 2017 - 2019</em> Irsan Abubakar, Dr.dr. Achmad Fauzi Kamal, SpOT(K), dr. Thariqah Salamah, SpRad(K), dr. Eveline Kodrat, SpPA(K) FKUI Podium
4 Hubungan Fusi Lumbosakral dengan Nyeri Sendi Sakroiliaka Association between Lumbosacral Fusion and Sacroiliac Joint Pain M. Alvin Shiddieqy Pohan, dr. Ifran Saleh, SpOT(K) FKUI Podium
5 Hubungan antara Kesegarisan Patela dengan Derajat Keparahan Penyakit Osteoarthritis Lutut Relationship between Patellar Alignment and the Degree of Severity of Knee Osteoarthritis Toto Suryo Efar, Dr. dr. Andre Pontoh, SpOT(K), Dr. dr. Andri MT Lubis, SpOT(K), Dr. dr. Marcel Prasetyo, SpRad(K) FKUI Podium
6 Augmentation Test of The Cuttlefish Bone Xenograft With Platelet Rich Plasma and Bone Marrow Aspiration Concentrate to Compare Bone Regeneration In Vivo Januar Ari Subiantoro1, Komang Agung I. S. FKUNAIR
7 Biocompatibility Tests of Biodegradable Porous Sponge Bovine Cartilage Scaffold (BPSBCS), Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell (ADMSC) and Secretome in New Zealand White Rabbit that Given Cartilage Injury Model Through IL-2, IL-10, and IgG Expression (In Vivo Study) Brilliant Citra Wirashada*, Dwikora Novembri Utomo FKUNAIR
8 In Vivo Study : Comparison of Osteoblast Amount on Critical Size Defect Using Cuttlefish Xenograft Augmentation with Platelet Rich Plasma or Bone Marrow Aspiration Concentrate Bayu Antara Hadi1, Komang Agung I. S 2, Oen Sindrawati3 FKUNAIR
9 Effects of Stem Cells Secretome Culture Technique with Hypoxic Conditions on TGF-_, BMP-2, VEGF Growth Factor Production Levels Dionysius Bramta Putra Manyakori1, Ferdiansyah Mahyudin2, Mouli Edward2 FKUNAIR
10 Comparation of Modern and Classical Wound Dressing in Terms of Patient Comfort, Cost Effectiveness and Wound Healing Clinical Study Ansari Rahman1, Ferdiansyah M. 2 FKUNAIR
11 The Comparison Between Turmeric Extract (Curcuma Domestica) with Ibuprofen Orally in Prevention Adhesion Formation Post Achilles Tendon Repair in Rabbit Diki Julkarnain, Dr. Dicky Mulyadi, dr., SpOT(K), Dr. Fathurachman, dr., SpOT., M.Kes FKUNPAD
12 The Effect of Iron Supplementation in Anti Tuberculosis Drug Treatment to Interferon-g Level in Tuberculosis Spondylitis Patients Mohammad Fatikh Nanda Perdana, Prof. Dr. Hermawan Nagar Rasyid, dr., SpOT(K)., MT(BME), Ph.D, Dr. Ahmad Ramdan, dr., SpOT(K)., M.KM FKUNPAD
13 The Difference Level of Inteleukin-12 in Preoperative Spondylitis TB Treatment with Iron Deficiency Given Antituberculosis Drugs with Iron Suplementation and without Iron Suplementation Anggi Fauziani, Dr. Nucki Nursjamsi Hidajat, dr., SpOT(K)., M.Kes, Dr. Ahmad Ramdan, dr., SpOT(K)., M.KM FKUNPAD
14 Polytrauma Patients with qSofa Score More Than or Equal to 2 Correlated with Interleukin-6 Plasma Levels as Sepsis Early Biological Markers in Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung Abdurrahman, Prof. Dr. Hermawan Nagar Rasyid, dr., SpOT(K)., MT(BME), Ph.D, Prof. Dr. Darmadji Ismono, dr., SpB., SpOT(K) FKUNPAD
15 Effect of Chicken Egg Shell Powder Application on Biological Membranes of Wistar Long Bone Critical Defect Healing Compared to Synthetic Bone Grafting Measured by Radiologial Assessment Rendy Cahya Soetanto, Prof. Dr. Hermawan Nagar Rasyid, dr., SpOT(K)., MT(BME), Ph.D, Dr. Yoyos Dias Ismiarto, dr., SpOT(K)., M.Kes., CCD FKUNPAD
16 Level of Procalcitonin Plasma as A Early Sepsis Biomarker in Polytrauma Patients with ISS _ 16 in Dr Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung Ricky Wibowo, Prof. Dr. Hermawan Nagar Rasyid, dr., SpOT(K)., MT(BME), Ph.D, Prof. Dr. Darmadji Ismono, dr., SpB., SpOT(K) FKUNPAD
17 Comparison Between Low-Dose Leucine and High-Dose Leucine in The Enhancement of Fracture Healing in Rat Model Assessed Radiologically Venansius Herry Perdana Suryanta, Prof. Dr. Hermawan Nagar Rasyid, dr., SpOT(K)., MT(BME), Ph.D, Prof. Dr. Darmadji Ismono, dr., SpB., SpOT(K), Dr. Ahmad Ramdan, dr., SpOT(K)., M.KM FKUNPAD
18 The Influence of 2600 MHz Electromagnetic Exposure on Prolipheration Phase Femur Fracture Healing Performed ORIF K-Wire in Rat Evaluated Histopathologiccally Yoan Putrasos Arif, Prof. Dr. Hermawan Nagar Rasyid, dr., SpOT(K)., MT(BME), Ph.D, Dr. Yoyos Dias Ismiarto, dr., SpOT(K)., M.Kes., CCD FKUNPAD
19 Comparison of the Healing Rates in Cortical Tibial Defect Rabbit Covered by Lyophilized Amniotic Membrane Compared to Periosteum Bangkit Primayudha, Dr. Nucki Nursjamsi Hidajat, dr., SpOT(K)., M.Kes, Prof. Dr. Fachry A Tandjung., dr., SpB., SpOT(K)., M.Phil(Orth), Dr. Dicky Mulyadi, dr., SpOT(K) FKUNPAD
20 The Effect of Stimulation Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound on Hard Callus Formation in Rabbit Femur Defect Post Orif Plate And Screw Based On Radiography Measurement Mahyudin, Dr. Yoyos Dias Ismiarto, dr., SpOT(K)., M.Kes., CCD, Muhamad Naseh Sajadi Budi Irawan, dr., SpOT(K) FKUNPAD
21 mRNA Evaluation Of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF- _) Specific Spine Structure In Degenerative Lumbar Disease David Yosua Paruliaan Hutahaean, Yudha Mathan Sakti FKUGM
22 Evaluation of Clinical Outcome and Inflammatory Marker in Traumatic Wound Patient Treated with Sardjito VAC (Vacuum-Assisted Closure) Versus Conventional Treatment Irsan Kesuma, Meirizal FKUGM
23 Biomechanic Evaluation of Titanium Rod Coated with Egg-Shell Hydroxyapatite Compared to Commercial Hydroxyapatie Using Electrophoresis Deposition Method (EPD) Aditya Akbar Wicaksono, Yudha Mathan Sakti FKUGM
24 Evaluation Of Coronal And Sagittal Remodeling Of Pediatric Tibial Shaft Fracture Treated In Sardjito General Hospital Irrsyadya Dyah A, Yudha Mathan Sakti FKUGM
25 Correlation of mRNA Expression of Ladybird Homeobox 1 (LBX1) and Estrogen Receptor (ESR) with Severity of Deformity and Flexibility in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Dananjaya Putramega, Yudha Mathan Sakti FKUGM
26 Biomechanical Evaluation of Adjacent Segment Mobility Following Short Segment Posterior Stabilization at Thoracolumbal Level Muhammad Bayu Wicaksono, Yudha Mathan Sakti FKUGM
27 The Validity and Reliability of the Indonesian version of the Kujala Score for patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Arimurti Pratianto *, Krisna Yuarno Phatama** FKUB
28 Attachment of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived from Stromal Vascular Fraction to Oxidixed Cellulose, Collagen Fibrils, Calcium Alginate, and Amniotic Membrane Scaffold ( Invitro Study Using Scanning Electrone Microscope) Hanindya Prasojo1, Panji Sananta2, FKUB
29 Adipose-Derived Stromal Vascular Fraction Combine with Freeze-Dried Amnion Membrane Prevent Bone Bridge Formation on Growth Plate Injury in Rat (in vivo studies) I Gede Made Oka Rahaditya, *, Dradjat, R.S**, Sananta, P** FKUB
30 Functional Outcome Of Chronic Elbow Dislocation Treated Surgically : Comparison Between A Modified Medial Approach And Posterolateral Approach Marcell Wijaya FKUNHAS
31 Analysis Of Radiological Alignment And Functional Outcome After Surgery In Displaced Supracondylar Humerus Fracture In Children Moh. Asri Abidin FKUNHAS
32 Functional Outcome Difference Analysis Between Second And Third Metacarpal Distal Fixation Of Dosral Distraction Plating In Comminuted Distal Radius Fracture. Qariah Maulidiah FKUNHAS
33 Perbandingan Antara Fiksasi Short Segment Pedicle Screw Dan Fiksasi Long Segment Pedicle Screw Pada Burst Fraktur Torakolumbal Single Level Yang Terlantar William Limoa FKUNHAS
34 Perbandingan Kadar Nilai Mmp-9 Serum Pada Spondilitis Tuberkulosa Dengan Penyakit Degeneratif Tulang Belakang Yohanes Augustinus*, Otman Siregar**, Benny*** FKUSU