Final Paper


COE PABOI KE 67 : Theme “All about the Sport Injury in Musculoskeletal System Holistic Approach and Current Treatment” at Alila Hotel, Surakarta, 24 – 27 April 2019

No Theme Author Institution
1 The Effectiveness of Platelet-Rich Plasma Combined with Human Amniotic Membrane on Adhesion and Tensile Strength in The Treatment of Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture in New Zealand White Rabbit Aria Adhitya Suyatno*, Ihsan Oesman**, Andri Maruli Tua Lubis**, Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto*** FKUI
2 In Vitro Study of The Level of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, and Epidermal Growth Factor in The Secretome of Adipose Tissue and Umbilical Cord-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Jephtah Furano Lumban Tobing, Ismail HD FKUI
3 The Effects of Secretome of Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Regeneration of Ischiadicus Nerve Defects In Sprague Dawley Rat Ade Martinus, Aryadi Kurniawan**, Ismail HD**, Wahyu Widodo**, Jeanne Adiwinata*** FKUI
4 Oncological and Functional Outcome of Patients With Long Bone and Axial Metastatic Bone Disease at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital 2008 – 2018 Adisa Yusuf Reksoprodjo, Achmad Fauzi Kamal FKUI
5 and Survival Analysis of Factors that Influence the Clinical Multivariat Outcome of Oswestry Disability Index in Patients with Hernia Nucleus Pulposus Lumbar Vertebral Post Microendoscopic Discectomy Ajiantoro, Luthfi Gatam FKUI
6 Effectiveness and Cytotoxicity of Local Chemical Adjuvant Therapy in Giant Cell Tumor of The Bone: In Vitro Study Akbar Rizki Beni Asdi, Achmad Fauzi Kamal, Septelia Inawati Wanandi FKUI
7 Synthesis, Structural Characterization, Degradation Rate, and Biocompatibility of Magnesium-Carbonate Apatite (Mg-CO3AP) Composite and Its Potential as Biodegradable Orthopaedic Implant Material Aldo Fransiskus Marsetio*, Rahyussalim**, Achmad Fauzi Kamal**, Sugeng Supriadi*** FKUI
8 Relationship Between Clinical Characteristics and Bone Mineral Density Score In Patients With Post-Stroke Neuromuscular Deficit Auliya Akbar *, Ifran Saleh *, Salim Harris ** Nyimas Diana Yulisa *** FKUI
9 Quantification of BMP-2 in Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Conditioned Medium and Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Conditioned Medium, Hydroxyappatite, and Mechanical Fixation to Critical Sized Bone Defect Sprague Dawley Rat Jessica Fiolin, Ismail HD FKUI
10 Analysis of Vertebral Destruction on Clinical and Radiological Outcome in Spondylitis Tuberculosis Patient at Rsupn Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta Muhammad Deryl Ivansyah*, Rahyussalim** FKUI
11 Clinical And Functional Outcome Analysis Of Traumatic Brachialis Plexus Injury Patients In Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital After Nerve and Muscle Procedure Reconstruction Period 2010-2017 Muhammad Rizqi Adhi Primaputra , Wahyu Widodo FKUI
12 Analysis of Factors Affecting Functional Outcome of Distal Radius Fracture at RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo in 2014-2018 Rizki Hidayat, Wahyu Widodo FKUI
13 Pedicle Screw Pull-out Strength Comparison between Conventional Pedicle Screw Trajectory, Cortical Infero-superior Trajectory, and Cortical Supero-inferior Trajectory in Yorkshire Lumbar Porcine: A Biomechanical Study Rizky Priambodo Wisnubaroto, S. Dohar AL Tobing FKUI
14 Quality Of Life And Functional Outcome Of Oncology Patient After Lower Extremity Amputation In Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital During 2014-2019 Zecky Eko Triwahyudi*, Yogi Prabowo**, Achmad Fauzi Kamal** FKUI
15 The Comparative Study Of Biomechanical Stability Of Plate And Screw Fixation To Tension Band Wiring And Lag Screw On Styloid Ulna Fracture: Trial Test On Cadaveric Ulnar Bone Hizbillah Yazid1, Erwin Ramawan2 FKUNAIR
16 Anthropometric Study Parameter Reconstruction of Double Bundle ACL Using MRI in Soetomo General Hospital Patient I Gusti Ngurah Dodo Muliawan Ranuh, Dwikora N.U, Rosy Setiawati, FKUNAIR
17 Toxicity Examination on Cuttlefish Bone Xenograft by in Vitro and in Vivo Komang A. Irianto*, Suyenci Limbong FKUNAIR
18 Pirani Score Evaluation in Clubfoot Patient Treated with Ponseti Method in Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya Henry Dominica1, Martanto Tri Wahyu2 FKUNAIR
19 Outcome Comparison Between Spinal Injection and Physiotherapy in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients I Ketut Martiana1, Deny Mory Aryawan2 FKUNAIR
20 Comparison of Clinical Outcome Post Direct Free Functional Muscle Transfer (FFMT) Patients and Nerve Procedure in Acute Events For Reconstruction of Elbow in Adult Patients Musa Arafah*, Suroto, Heri** FKUNAIR
21 Efficacy of Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation (TENS) in Increasing Transforming Growth Factor Beta (Tgf-Β) Level as Cartilage like Tissue Formation Marker in Rabbit Knee Femoral Osteochondral Defect Model: A Preliminary Study Gamal Ramadiputra, Rasyid H.N., Ismiarto Y.D., Ismono D. FKUNPAD
22 The Effect of Duration of Preoperative Anti Tuberculosis Drug Administration on Tuberculosis Spondylitis Surgical Treatment Outcome Preodita Agradi, Hidajat NN, Tiksnadi B, Ramdan A. FKUNPAD
23 Histhophatological Evaluation of The Effect of Ageratum Leaf Extraction (Ageratum Conyzoides) Accelerate Wound Healing of Acute Excisional Wound on Epidermis Sprague Dawley Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) with Diabetes Mellitus Type II Liliek Yudhantoro, Hidajat N.N., Ismiarto Y.D., Ismono D. FKUNPAD
24 The Potency of Extraction from Ant Nest (Myrmecodia Pendans) to Decrease the Levels of Prostaglandin E2 and Histopatology Appearance on Rabbit Osteoarthritis Cartilage Juliando, Chaidir MR, Mulyadi D, Tandjung FA. FKUNPAD
25 Differences in Healing of The Proliferation Phase of Supraspinatus Tendon Tear in Rats Model Biomechanically Given Platelet Rich Fibrin and without Platelet Rich Fibrin Gustman Lumanda Sitanggang, Rasyid H N, Ismiarto Y D FKUNPAD
26 Outcome Analysis in Late Cases of Incomplete Brachial Plexus Palsy Treated With Latissimus Dorsi Transfer Technique Victor Gozaly FKUNHAS
27 Comparison Between the Length of Forearm to Tip of Little Finger and the Length Of Forearm to Distal Interphalangeal Joint of Little Finger with the Length Of Femur Edwin William FKUNHAS
28 Radiological Alignment Analysis and Its Relation to Functional Outcome in Comminuted Distal Radius Fracture Treated with Dorsal Bridge Plating. Michael Benyamin Wijaya FKUNHAS
29 Predicting the Peroneus Longus Tendon Graft Diameter and Length in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction by Using Anthropometric Parameters: a Study of Three Ethnics Patients in South Sulawesi Padlan FKUNHAS
30 Correlation between limb salvage procedure and clinical outcome in knee region Giant Cell Tumor after limb salvage surgery Dita Anggara Kusuma, Pamudji Utomo, Mu FKUNS
31 Functional Outcome of Limb Salvage Surgery with Megaprosthesis in Primary Bone Tumour arround Knee Misbahuddin, Pamudji Utomo, Mujaddid Idulhaq FKUNS
32 Comparison Between Anterior Drawer Test, Lachman Test and MRI in Diagnosing Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Rupture Confirmed with Arthroscopy Aditya Fuad Robby Triangga, Luthfi Hidayat FKUGM
33 Comparison of Anterior Drawer and Lachman Tests in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Performed Under Anesthesia Confirmed with Arthroscopy at Sardjito General Hospital Doni agustian, Rahadyan Magetsari FKUGM
34 Evaluation of mRNA Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF- α) Level in Nucleus Pulposus, Annulus Fibrosus and Facet Joint in Degenerative Lumbal Canal Stenosis Paramita Dyah L, Yudha Mathan Sakti FKUGM
35 Diagnostic Accuracy of Lever Sign Test (Lelli Test) on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Compared to Lachman Test in Correlation with Artroscopy Ary Putra Moor, Rahadyan Magetsari FKUGM
36 Spinopelvic Parameter in Indonesian Population Based on 3d CT Evaluation Aditya warman, Rahadyan Magetsari FKUGM
37 Biomechanic Evaluation of Titanium Rod Coated with Egg-Shell Hydroxyapatite Using Electrophoresis Deposition Method Widyo Wahyu Pratomo, Rahadyan Magetsari FKUGM
38 Differences of Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)and Lipid Profile on Cemented Hip Arthroplasty Patients with Epinephrine Flushing andwithout Epinephrine Aakash, I Ketut Siki Kawiyana, I Wayan Suryanto Dusak FKUGM
39 The Relationship Between Caprini Score and D-Dimer Level in Patients with Post Internal Fixation of Long Bone Fractures in Lower Extremities Made Wirabhawa,. I Ketut Siki Kawiyana, I Ketut Suyasa FKUNUD
40 Comparasion of C-Reactive Protein Level and Harris Hip Score between Cephalomedullary Nailing and Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty in Proximal Femoral Fracture Management Komang Septian Sandiwidayat, Putu Astawa, , K.G Ridia Mulyadi FKUNUD
41 Survival Rate and Prognostic Factors of Osteosarcoma Patients in H. Adam Malik General Hospital Medan Jeff Loren*, Nazar Moesbar**, Andriandi*** FKUSU
42 Comparison of serum MMP-1 value levels in spondylitis tuberculose with degenerative spine disease Alamsyah Faritz Siregar*, Otman Siregar**, Nazar Moesbar*** FKUSU
43 Clinical Outcome of Internal Fixation on Tibia Plateau’s Fractures Patints at Faculty of Medicine of North Sumatera University Teaching Hopsital Elvan Trianda*, Chairiandi Siregar** FKUSU
44 Comparison of CA 125 Levels in Spondilitis Tuberculosis after Treated by Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment with Spondilitis Tuberculosis before Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment Randy Susanto*, Heru Ramadhany**, Benny*** FKUSU
45 Interobserver Reliability on Landmark-Guided Sacroiliac Joint Injection Among 5th Year Residency in Orthopedic & Traumatology Department Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University Malang Gladys Adipranoto, Andhika Yudistira FKUB
46 Comparison between Short Segment Pedicle and Lateral Mass Screw Construction Strength for Resisting Flexion and Extension Motion In Subaxial Cervical Spine Ery Satriawan1, Syaifullah Asmiragani2 FKUB
47 The Effect of Freezing Using Liquid Nitrogen Based on the Time of Treatment Toward Amount of Osteoblast, Osteocytes, and Osteoclasts in Metaphysis Diaphysis Long Bones of Rattus novergicus strain wistar Inggra Vivayuna *, Irsan I I** FKUB
48 Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Viability from Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) Cell Combined with Tissue Engineering Scaffold Collagen, Calcium Alginate, Oxydized Cellulose, Gelatin, and Amnion Membrane (Primary Cell Culture In Vitro Study) Elfiah FKUB
49 Reperfusion Interval Effect in Prevention of ischemic Reperfusion Injuries Due to Torniquet Use on Fracture Healing Fiki Nurandani*, Huwae T.E** FKUB